Wednesday, January 27, 2010

actions lead to understanding

One of my conversations with Brooke last week
left me with a topic to ponder...
We know that Adam offered sacrifices long before he understood why
Nephi made plates of ore "... for a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not."
The scriptures are full of examples of obedience, followed by
understanding, or testimony.
So often
most often
I want to understand why or I want to already have a testimony on a topic before I act. But that's not the Lord's way.
Actions first, testimony later.
Faith before miracles.
In my head, I often know a certain action is the right action ....
I am determined to do better following that knowledge
When I do so, I know that my testimony of that principle will become unshakeable.


Ashley said...

Thats so true!

Sheryl Parsons said...

Lovely thoughts Denalee. Thanks for reminding us of the importance of acting on what we already know while having the faith to follow what we know we should do.


Hills said...

Thanks for sharing this thought!