Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pretty quiet around here ...

With Sierra gone for so long, it's not only quieter, but a little lonely too ... Can't wait to get her home.

Last night Bryan made Stuffed halibut ...YUM. We've divided up nights for cooking, and much to my delight, Bryan took 2 nights (if only he'd take my two nights too!).

Azure looked so cute coming home from church today that I jut had to snap a photo.

Other news this week: I'm definitely getting acclimated to my job. And the kids and I got some good school shopping in. They're all set look great and take notes!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Erin said...

What is blogpress? I have an ipad but haven't figured out how to load photos...

cute kiddos, by the way!